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Sometimes the distortions are obvious, like in the Hubble image of a distant galaxycluster above.
A galaxycluster is a collection of galaxies that orbit one another bound together by gravity.
The textbook case is the Bullet Cluster, where one galaxycluster is seen shooting through the other.
In the foreground of one new image is a galaxycluster named Abell 2744, containing hundreds of galaxies.
Image: Light bends around the massive galaxycluster Abell 2218 in this image from the Hubble Space Telescope.
Astronomers have found the most distant clusterofgalaxies ever seen, shown at a never-before-seen stage of development.
Observations of the Coma clusterofgalaxies indicated to Zwicky that they were rotating too fast to be stable.
The black hole responsible for the blast came from a clusterofgalaxies and forged a crater that could hold 15 Milky Way galaxies.
This is because astronomers believe the filaments trapping the clusterofgalaxies are carrying enough gas to "feed" the black hole, enabling it to grow.
The Virgo Clusterofgalaxies, of which the Milky Way is a part, will hold together, as will our orbital pirouette with the Andromeda Galaxy.
Galaxies are usually gravitationally bound to other galaxies, creating massive galacticclusters.
Galacticclusters also contain some of the largest accumulations of dark matter in the universe.
It has become mere pantomime, as intricate and as meaningless as the space-time curves that guide galacticclusters through a measureless cosmos.